Asia Smart App Workshop – Memorable Users Experience: AR / VR in the apps
Today, AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) are not just buzzwords in the digital world anymore. These cutting-edge technologies go far beyond gaming and entertainment. How do we maximise user experience by applying AR and VR technologies in the apps? How can our businesses benefit from AR and VR applications? And how do VR and AR applications in our businesses transform the way we work and interact with our customers, our colleagues and the world? Date: Thursday, 28th April 2022 Time: 3:00pm – 5:30pm (GMT+8) Format: Webinar (Link will be shared with the successful registrants via Confirmation/Reminder email) Language: English 🔴Free Registration
Keynote Speakers:
Steven Cheng |Senior Interactive Project Manager, Visionaries 777
Yuan Yi|Co-Founder, Hiverlab
Daniel Chung|Vice President of Marketing, Consumer Mobile, CSL
Amy Leung|Senior Director of Corporate Development, NetDragon Websoft Moderator:
Ivy Shum| President, Hong Kong Association for VR AR